Board of Advisors

Marie Polley

Co-Founder, The Social Prescribing Network

Marie is a freelance research consultant, past Chair of the British Society for Integrative Oncology, trained as a biomedical scientist and has a PhD in molecular carcinogenesis. Marie led the team to write the first national guidance for social prescribing, the first economic overview of social prescribing on health service usage and recently mapped all outcomes associated with social prescribing to support discussion on inclusive ways of researching and evaluating this growing field. Marie provides advice to senior leaders, Members of Parliament and the House of Lords, key stakeholders, researchers and organizations in this field. For the past 14 years, Marie has researched and taught about approaches to integrating different paradigms of health and wellbeing in her role as Senior Lecturer in Health Sciences and Research at the University of Westminster. Marie is also Co-Director of Meaningful Measures, which licenses the person-centered outcome measures MYMOP® and MYCaW® and supports many organizations to capture the full impact of their social prescribing and personalized care schemes. Marie is also a Usui Reiki Master, a voluntary youth worker for her local church, loves getting out in nature and when near the sea will willingly jump on a surfboard and (attempt to) catch some waves.

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