
“Join or Die” Documentary Screenings Nationwide on September 15th!

August 28, 2024

We are excited about a new effort called the In Real Life (IRL) Movie Club! It is an in-person club where you can gather regularly, connect with your community, and explore trending topics through the lens of independent film.

We are particularly excited because its first major effort will be on Setember 15th with nationwide screenings of the new documentary, “Join or Die,”  which focuses on Robert Putnam’s “Bowling Alone” research on the decline in American citizen participation in clubs and other local civic activities. The documentary makes a call for increased civic engagement and involvement to address the country’s democracy crisis and to boost and improve our communities. The documentary points to social prescribing as a key tool and approach to make this happen.

To find out if there is a screening of Jon or Die near you, visit this page ( and sign up for the IRL Movie Club!

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